


1987 / Mainland China / Walker / Ru Ping Zhao Jun

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    Dec 30, 2023 10:21 PM

    I really didn't expect this movie to be so outstanding. Capturing the uniquely confined narrative space of China, it truly represents a captivating glimpse of the 80s artistic flair! The screenplay of the movie is exquisite, the cinematographic language delicate, and the character portrayal of 'Titmouse' is simply stunning. Titmouse is diligent, hardworking, kind, and vibrant. With a bit of luck and just the right amount of stubbornness and individuality, he finds himself lost at the crossroads of a shifting society, and it is this fusion, this friction, that ignites fierce sparks. The ultimate loneliness of the soul: uncomprehended by everyone around; the merciless play of fate: glimpsing the beauty of freedom and liberation, yet entwined and unable to free oneself. For a lasting relationship, if one grows and changes, the other must follow; if one loves the status quo, the other must also wait. To build a perfect love is not as simple as rocket science; in this ever-changing world, someone always has to sacrifice something. The primitive and rough Chinese flavor of life starkly contrasts with the reserved and refined formalism of Japanese aesthetics.

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