
The Path of Midlife 2


James Hollis / 2024 / Zhejiang University Press

  • Want to read

    Jul 31, 2024 6:52 AM

    Via tw @hutusi This book offers a popular interpretation of Jungian psychology, where Carl Jung believed: The purpose of life is not to pursue happiness, but to seek meaning. Here is an excerpt from the preface as a comment on the book:

    The ideas, motives, and practices of Jungian psychology are that there are no sunlit meadows, no shady groves for restful repose; what truly exists is the swamp of the soul. Nature, along with our own nature, has intentionally arranged for a significant part of our journey to be spent here, where many meaningful moments of life are born. It is in such swamps that the soul is gradually forged; here, we encounter not only the solemnity of life but also its purpose, its dignity, and its deepest meaning.

    What we need to do is: traverse the swamp to reach the broader horizons ahead.

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