
Netflix Show: Our Planet Season 01

A scene of struggling

The eagles fought hard and locked talons, humpback whales hunted and swallowed herring schools, and birds of paradise and leaf-cutting ants, and over 50 countries over four years, involving With a staff of over 600 people and the latest 4K camera technology, how to look at the trailer and official announcement information from "Our Planet It's all like Earth Pulse 3, except that producer Alistair Faselgill believes that, with the help of Netflix, Our Planet will attract an entirely different quantum number of viewers. Beyond that, he would give the show more relevance by lobbying politicians and the public about environmental issues: from now on. We have to make a change!

As to why he parted ways with the BBC, with whom he had worked for many years, and went to Netflix, Fasselgill explained that Netflix could at the same time be on the 190 countries online, programmes can be kept for months or even years, whereas the BBC can only keep them on iPlayer for 30 days. It's also not possible to have multiple countries online at the same time. The Netflix audience is mostly 16 to 30 years old, they don't watch TV at all, but they care about these (environmental) issues, they are our Successor to Planet, so Netflix is the best partner from that standpoint. Sir David Attenborough also said he was looking forward to the huge reach of Netflix, "While the BBC is very influential, it is also Couldn't do it to reach 20 million viewers a night." Speaking to The Sun, Jazz said, "The message we have to deliver is urgent. Nature is in crisis and we can no longer whisper our opinions. It's pointless to say 'we're going to have a meeting to discuss this'. We want the audience to know what's happening right now."

David Attenborough

Netflix also clearly recognizes the global impact that comes from working with a gold production team, bringing in Salma Hayek and Penelope -Cruz dubbed the Spanish version.

Wanting to influence a younger audience and raise environmental awareness, Fasselgill and David Attenborough chose the more flowing Advantage Netflix is also within reason. And for the purpose of environmental education, the documentary repeatedly reminds viewers that the magnificent spectacle before them is being subjected to human activities The hazards.

In Borneo, the crew focuses on the cozy family of orangutans Louie, Aiden and Brutus, while the commentary tells us. 100 orangutans die every week from excessive human activity. In time-lapse, as Borneo's pristine jungle gradually turns into monoculture oil palm, David Attenborough's mellow commentary is now Again, it rings to remind the audience that Louis and the Addams are the last generation of wild orangutans.

Compared to the Pulse series, Our Planet clearly wasn't going to just give viewers eyewash to use, it's still just as grand and beautiful. It's just that the added garnish of guilt and urgency isn't as easy to swallow, and the emotional resonance evoked is bound to be more mixed.

For those who emotionally consider Our Planet to be Earth Pulse 3, this new Netflix show assumes that viewers have been Grow up, it's time to show them some truth.

The BBC's nature documentary series has conveyed the magnificent solemnity of nature to millions of viewers, and is without a doubt a classic among classics. However, it has not been without voices of doubt before, most notably, for the disappearing species, shrinking habitats The only thing that the Pulse series has to say about these issues is that it's all about destruction. Either start cherishing it now, the choice is yours!

Some viewers were dissatisfied with this lack of pain, but Fothergill was actually the one who was most dissatisfied. In an interview, he said: previously we had a habit of saying that in the first 45 minutes, everything grows and the years are quiet, and by the time we got to In the last five minutes, we suddenly asked a serious question. I think this is too set in stone.

Earth Pulse 2 repeats the issues mentioned by Fothergill, and natural history documentary filmmaker Martin Hughes-Gamers also stated that The series "reassures and hypnotizes audiences around the world with a false sense of security."

Still, in Our Planet, the team has retained the fun and ace visual experience that the previous Pulse series had trouble replicating! . Tree shrews are seen using pigweed as toilets, juvenile ape-eating eagles take flight for the first time and a rare giant royal ribbon fish seems to be swimming from mythology. Out comes the two surviving Arabian leopards to fall in love, and the audience must still be in a happy mood.

In addition to natural habitats and warnings, intentional or unintentional improvements to the environment as a result of human actions are also taken into account. This is arguably the most positive part of the first season of Our Planet. For example, when you see five cheetahs working together to take down a horned horse, you will be told that the reason for this wild scene is that the The Serengeti has been working for decades to protect this species. In the ruins of Chernobyl, wild horses, foxes and wolves have multiplied in numbers. 'Radiation is driving us away, but giving these wild animals' Leave room to live." David Attenborough reads in his alarmingly constant commentary.

"Five years ago, when we started doing this, it was always hard to squeeze environmental programming into prime time," said Fasselgill in an interview. "But things have changed and even the BBC now says they want an environmental message in their programmes."

Source Pengpai News

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